Chlor-Alkali Grade Salt
Chlor-Alkali Grade Salt
The basic raw material for the membrane Chlor-Alkali process is purified Sodium Chloride. The quality of salt plays an important role in the proper trouble-free production of Chlorine and Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide).
Water Softening Grade Salt
Water Softening Grade Salt
As the name implies, the primary function of the Water Softening Grade of salt is to soften the water. Ion-exchange resins included in the salt aid in softening the water and making
Extra-Pure AR Grade (Analytical-Reagent)
Extra-Pure AR Grade (Analytical-Reagent)
The Extra-Pure AR Grade of salt is produced with the maximum level of purity. It is produced at a purity level that exceeds the international requirements of all pharmacopoeias globally.
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Flossy Salt
Flossy Salt
The skins and hides of animals are used to make leather. To maintain their texture and quality, these skins and hides undergo chemical treatment. We call this process tanning. Following this procedure, the leather gains strength.
Oil Drilling Grade Salt
Oil Drilling Grade Salt
The major part of the consumption of SudaisMinerals Oil Drilling Grade Salt is in the export markets due to its premium quality. Exported to numerous countries, the company offers different grades starting from PVD to lower grade salts of 97%
Oil Refinery Grade
Oil Refinery Grade
The Oil Refinery Grade is mainly produced for and supplied to the petrochemical and the oil refinery industry. The quality of the salt along with the size and size distribution of the salt is important since they are used in the production of oil
Road De-icing/Snow melting salt
Road De-icing/Snow melting salt
SudaisMinerals manufactures and mixes salt for use in DE-icing and snow melting applications for winter road upkeep, and it exports to a number of countries across the world. Our salt for deicing roads is carefully sorted and graded.
Salt Tablets For Water Softeners
Salt Tablets For Water Softeners
The salt tablets produced at SudaisMinerals are used for both domestic and industrial uses. There are two types of salt tablets, an economical grade of tablets is made using Refined Salt and the second grade
Sheep Casing Grade
Sheep Casing Grade
The Sheep Casing Grade of salt is used to preserve the sheep casings in Pakistan to later use for the manufacturing of sheep leather for the shoes and bags industry.
Soap, Detergent And Glycerin
Soap, Detergent And Glycerin
Salt is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing process of Soap, Detergent and Glycerin. HubSalt offers 5 different grades of salt ideal to fulfil the requirements of the soap
Special Ultra-Pure Bromine Free Grade Salt
Special Ultra-Pure Bromine Free Grade Salt
SudaisMinerals enjoys a prominent position in producing the special grade Ultra-Pure Bromine-Free salt. For this purpose, the R&D department of the company
Textile Dyeing Grade Salt
Textile Dyeing Grade Salt
Keeping in mind that Pakistan enjoys a prominent position in cotton production, HubSalt provides its customers with the high quality, credible dyeing salt with the main emphasis on maintaining the low